What are sketchnotes?
Sketchnotes are illustrated notes that capture the highlights of real-time speaker content.
Sketchnotes are extremely shareable as social media posts or can be printed as large format posters that enhance a conference space.
Audience members appreciate sketchnotes because it summarizes content in a memorable way. Speakers love them because they can share ideas from their presentations that attract more attention to their work.
HOW Design Live Conference
3 days
Crafting sketchnotes that can be printable and presentable
19 sketchnotes
10 speakers each getting their own sketchnote to share
2,297 impressions, + 185%
People who are liking and commenting on posts that drive attention to the conference and speakers
122 engagements, + 662%*
This content is highly engaging, which helps boost interaction (*based on my personal feed)
Speakers post sketchnotes to their channels for their followers and fans to comment on

Denver Product Summit - 2024
1 day
A rapid, in-person product event
8 sketchnotes
14 speakers featured individually or on panel talks
787 reactions
People who are liking and commenting on posts that drive attention to the conference and speakers
Speakers post sketchnotes to their channels for their followers attracting comments
STRAT Conference 2024
2 days
Delivering content in-real time nearly by the time a speaker steps off stage
10 sketchnotes
10 speakers each getting their own sketchnote to share
1,890 impressions
People who are liking and commenting on posts that drive attention to the conference and speakers
+1002 % engagement*
This content is highly engaging, which helps boost interaction (*based on my personal feed)
Speakers post sketchnotes to their channels for their followers and fans to comment on